Michael founded a cosmetics company, mainly dealing in essence. Michael hired an internationally renowned design company to make a logo. The logo consists of three parts: Chinese, English and graphics. He found a domestic trademark agency and planned to entrust them to do trademark registration in China.
Kate, a salesperson of the trademark agency, believes that the companys LOGO consists of three parts: Chinese, English and graphics. In order to increase the success rate of trademark registration, it is recommended that Chinese, English and graphics be registered separately. Michael believes that the logo design is integrated in Chinese, English and graphics. Kate suggested that he wanted to split a commission into three, purely to increase performance, and he was very angry about this.
Question: Does Kate’s suggestion make sense?
商标注册案例分析 Trademark registration analysis本案主要涉及的是拟注册的商标包含多种元素时,是分开注册还是组合注册的问题。
This case mainly involved the issue of whether the trademark to be registered contains multiple elements, whether it is registered separately or in combination.
When applying for trademark registration, you will often encounter three elements in a LOGO, including Chinese, English/Pinyin, and graphics. From a professional perspective, it is beneficial to register the elements separately.
将三个元素分开注册的优点 The advantages of registering the 3 elements(1) 提高商标注册成功率。商标审查时,如果商标中文、英文、图形整体注册,三个要素要同时通过商标的审查,该商标才能最终被审查通过。一旦其中任一要素被判定与其他在先申请的商标相似,则商标将被整体驳回。如果将三要素分开注册,即使有一个要素与其他在先申请的商标相似被驳回,而其他两个要素也能够注册成功。
Improve the success rate of trademark registration. During trademark examination, if the Chinese, English, and graphic trademarks are registered as a whole, the three elements must pass the examination of the trademark at the same time before the trademark can finally be examined and passed. Once any of the elements is judged to be similar to other trademarks previously applied for, the trademark will be rejected as a whole. If the three elements are registered separately, even if one element is similar to other trademarks previously applied for and is rejected, the other two elements can still be registered successfully.
(2) 商标使用灵活。在使用中,分开注册的,既可以单独使用并注明注册标记®;也可以组合在一起使用并注明注册标记®。合并整体注册的话,只能整体使用并注明注册标记®,不够灵活。
Flexible use of trademarks. In use, if they are registered separately, they can be used alone and marked with the registration mark ®; they can also be used in combination and marked with the registration mark ®. If you merge the registration as a whole, you can only use the registration mark ® as a whole, which is not flexible enough.
(3) 保护力度大。如果将所有要素分开注册,一旦被侵权,侵权者侵犯的是三个注册商标的专用权;如果将所有要素合并注册,侵权者侵犯的只是一个注册商标的专用权。无疑分开注册的保护力度更大。
Strong protection. If all the elements are registered separately, once they are infringed, the infringer will infringe the exclusive right of three registered trademarks; if all the elements are registered together, the infringer will only infringe the exclusive right of one registered trademark. Undoubtedly, the protection of separate registration is greater.
(4) 商标审查速度快。商标审查时,商标局对构成要素较多的商标,审查所耗时间会更长,如遇疑难商标,将会推后审查。选择分开注册,构成要素单一,会节省商标审查的时间。
Trademark review is fast. During trademark review, the Trademark Office will take longer to review the trademarks with more constituent elements. In case of difficult trademarks, the review will be postponed. Choosing to register separately, with a single constituent element, will save time for trademark review.
In summary, Kate suggested that Chinese, English, and graphics should be registered separately, and there is a certain reason to increase the success rate of trademark registration.
将三个元素分开注册的缺点 Disadvantages of registering 3 elements separately将三个元素分开注册的缺点:增加费用
Disadvantages of registering the three elements separately: increased costs.
If a LOGO contains three elements: Chinese, English/Pinyin, and graphics, separate registration will definitely increase the cost by three times.
Reference legal terms:
《商标法》(2019年修正) 第八条 :“任何能够将自然人、法人或者其他组织的商品与他人的商品区别开的标志,包括文字、图形、字母、数字、三维标志、颜色组合和声音等,以及上述要素的组合,均可以作为商标申请注册”。
Article 8 of the Trademark Law (revised in 2019): "Any sign that can distinguish goods of natural persons, legal persons, or other organizations from those of others, including text, graphics, letters, numbers, three-dimensional signs, color combinations, and sounds Etc., as well as the combination of the above elements, can be applied for registration as a trademark".
When registering a trademark, many start-ups put their energy on the design process, while ignoring the success rate of registration. No matter how ingenious a trademark is designed, if it cannot be successfully registered, it cannot be used in commercial activities.
Today we introduced a method to provide the success rate of trademark registration. In fact, the market cost of promoting trademarks, trademark registration fees can be basically ignored. Good business decisions often open up more possibilities for you, rather than putting all eggs in the same basket.